Happy Friday, y'all! Anyone have fun plans for Labor Day weekend? My kids barely started school, but I'm already looking forward to a three-day weekend. With that being said, I have some exciting news (as well as a book promotion!) to share with you.
But before I share my (happy) news and latest promotion, I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself, especially to those who might be new to my blog. And what better way to get to know me than to play one of my favorite games—THIS or THAT!
Here goes!
 THIS OR THAT: Vacation or Staycation?
I love traveling and planning vacations, so if money and time permits, it’s vacation all the way. Netflix or Hulu? It would have to be Netflix for me. I binge-watch way too many shows on Netflix to consider switching to Hulu. Night or morning? I’m a night girl. But now that my kids are back in school, I’m slowly programming myself to wake up early and exercise before they leave the house. Camping or glamping? Glamping! I love nature, but I also love a good night’s sleep.
Beach or mountains?
Beach. Give me a good book, some white sand, and the sound of crashing waves, and I'm set! Cooking or being cooked for? I’ll be honest, I don’t LOVE cooking. So, any time my husband or one of my kids cooks dinner, I’m so incredibly grateful and happy. Play or standup show? Play, and if it’s a musical, even better. Attend a party or host a party? Ahh, this is a tricky one. I do love to host parties (and I especially love to plan them) but it is nice to attend someone else’s party and not have to do any of the work, lol. Ketchup or Ranch? Ranch! Perfect for dipping. Board games or video games? My kids sometimes make fun of how awful I am at video games, so that would be board games for me. Instagram or Twitter? Not a huge fan of Twitter, so definitely Instagram. Pizza or Chinese food? This is an easy one. I LOVE Chinese food and would choose it over pizza any day. Laundry or dishes? Give me the laundry, please. Chocolate or vanilla? Do you even have to ask? Of course, it’s chocolate. Zombies or vampires? Is this seriously a question? Vampires are way better than zombies. Guacamole or salsa? Definitely guacamole. Well, that was fun! You probably know WAY more about me now than you've ever wanted to know, lol. Now, on to my exciting news!