Monday, August 22, 2016

CTP Author Smoothie Challenge!

If you follow me on social media, you're probably already aware that I'm participating in a Smoothie Challenge. Several Clean Teen Publishing authors, along with myself, have been assigned RANDOM ingredients to go in our smoothies. Here's a look at the options:

Based off comments from fans and readers, Sandy GoldsworthyAuthor Erica Kiefer, Julie WetzelAbby Arrowsmith, and myself have now been assigned our ingredients and videotaped ourselves mixing our smoothies.

Here are the ingredients I've been assigned:

-baby food
-ice cream

To view me mixing my ingredients and my reaction to the sight (and smell!) of the smoothie, check out my video on my YouTube channel:

Also, be sure to watch the videos of my fellow authors who have been assigned equally interesting ingredients. Pickled herring, anyone? Poor Abby got that one! And Sandy? Sardines! Yikes!

Please join us for the LIVE drink-off on Tuesday, August 23rd at 8:30/7:30c at our Google event HERE.

You won't want to miss this! Hope to "see" you then! :)

So, what do you think? Will my smoothie be delicious or absolutely disgusting??


  1. Absolutely disgusting!! Haha, so sorry 'bout the garlic. ;) You also have the most gorgeous hair. Why have I never noticed that before?! And I had a nice giggle at your smell reaction. =)

  2. I'm glad you didn't take a drink. Take out the baby food and ice cream and that might've been a good seasoning for something.

  3. That looks so gross! Ha ha. The only redeeming ingredient is the ice cream, and I don't think it'll be enough!

  4. Oh, yikes! I'm such a picky eater that simply reading those ingredients made me cringe, haha. Definitely don't envy you right now! XD

  5. Okay, so that's an interesting combo of ingredients. Better you than me...

  6. Though I love garlic, but its presence in a smoothie is scaring me.

  7. I'd try it. Once. And perhaps regret it later. :D


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