In honor of Unicorn Bell's Blogfest: Love is in the Air, today I will post a love story. Over the past few days, I contemplated what I wanted to share with anyone who might read this blog. As a writer of romance, I had dozens of scenes to choose from in one of my books. Over the weekend, I narrowed the list down to five, but this morning as I sat down to post, I realized something. Although I have created a few amazing love stories in the past few years, I decided that the one worth sharing, is my own.
My husband Adam and I met in college in Utah. His good friend Davey was friends with one of my roommates which led to an introduction and immediate friendship. A friendship that took the four of us on a couple roadtrips--Montana and later Las Vegas to visit my sister and her family. In my mind, we were merely friends, having fun together, laughing, doing stupid, crazy stuff that college kids do (college kids who don't drink, that is).
But it was while we were visiting my older sister that my eyes were opened a little. Adam, Davey, Megan, and I were getting ready for a night out on the town. I wanted to take them down to The Strip and show them around a little. As I was getting ready, I realized my shirt needed to be ironed, and as I pulled out the ironing board, guess who came over and offered to iron my shirt for me. That's right. Adam. I was grateful, nothing more.
My sister, however, saw it as a "sign." She pulled me aside and whispered fervently, "Adam is ironing your shirt!" To which I replied, "Yeah, I know. Isn't that nice?"
I'm sure she gave me a look as big sisters do, and then she simply stated what she thought was obvious. "He likes you."
I probably shook my head and disagreed. We were just friends. In fact, I even had a crush on his friend, Davey. I wasn't the least bit interested in Adam.
My sister's final words before she let me finish getting ready, struck a chord deep inside me. "You're gonna marry this guy. Any guy who offers to iron your shirt is a keeper."
I think I laughed at that point. But I'll admit, my eyes were opened, maybe only into tiny slits, but they were open.
For the rest of the weekend, I noticed things I hadn't noticed before. When he wrestled with my two-year-old nephew, I pictured him wrestling with our own kids one day. When he teased my sister, I pictured him sitting around the dining table at Thanksgiving with the rest of my family.
But, I was scared. We were friends, and I liked the security of that friendship. He was always there, to talk to, laugh with, hear my complaints.
When I came out of my dance class, Adam was there.
When I needed a study partner in the library, Adam was there.
When I was burned by another guy, Adam was there.
When he finally expressed his interest in moving towards something other than friends, I was hesitant. My hesitancy hurt him. He stopped waiting for me outside my dance class. He didn't come to the library to study anymore. And I missed him. Sometimes I think it takes a moment of loss for us to truly realize what we have in front of us.
One night, when I couldn't stand it any longer, I swallowed my pride and drove to his apartment. He was outside with a group of guys and girls, talking and laughing. The moment I saw him, I knew I was making a big mistake. Clearly he didn't miss me as much as I'd missed him. I was about to drive away when he spotted me. He came over to my car, slid inside, and we proceeded to work through our demons (me more so than him).
From that moment on, what was a tiny spark of interest, ignited and spread into a large flame of desire. I fell in love. And hard. Not because of his sculpted chest (non-existent) or endless amounts of money (we were both poor college students), but because I saw in him the type of man I wanted to spend my life with. The type of man who would be a good father and husband, and my best friend.
We were married less than a year later, on a cold December morning, and now have five beautiful children. I'd love to say that we have a perfect marriage, filled with roses and romantic interludes, but I'd be lying if I did. We have a great marriage, but it's hard. Some days are better than others. But even on the bad days, I am thankful for an intuitive sister who opened my eyes with her fortuitous statement. After all, a guy who offers to iron your shirt, expecting nothing in return, is definitely "a keeper".
I love your entry. You're showing us that love isn't always perfect, and you do so with a lovely touch of humility and honesty- good qualities in writing.
This was the perfect thing to share today! LOVE it! In fact, it reads like one of the sweet romance type books with a hint of steam between the lines. :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad you joined us today!
This is such a sweet story! Sometimes it really does take almost losing something to really appreciate how important it is. And yay for intuitive sisters!
ReplyDeleteAw! Yes, you were like my husband and I, friends first. My husband liked me first, but he was waiting. I was always with someone. Finally it hit me, and after the last boyfriend, I asked HIM out. I will NEVER forget the look on his face. He was a Christmas tree with a million lights at that point.
ReplyDeleteOkay. You made me tear up. Definitely a twelve on my 1- 10 scale of super coolness.
ReplyDeleteThanks for participating.
Author of Wilder Mage at Spirit Called
Facebook Wilder Mage
Thanks everyone for stopping by to read my post!
ReplyDelete@ Morgan-- So true. Love is definitely not always perfect, but it is worth it!
@ Charity-- Yes, there is a little steam between those lines. Enough said! : )
@LG-- Thanks, LG! Aren't intuitive sisters the best? : )
@L. Diane-- I can only imagine his surprise when YOU asked HIM out! Love it!
@Huntress-- So excited I earned a twelve! I always value your opinion! : ) *big, goofy grin*
Yay! Here's to amazing husbands! My eyes popped wide open my hubby made my ice cream sundae--when we were in MY house, with MY dishes. He didn't ask, he just did it. I instantly thought, wow! Chivalry is alive and well, which he has continued to prove over the last 17 years.
ReplyDeleteThis was such a sweet story, Kristin. Thank you so much for sharing it!
God yes, marry the man who treats you well; marry your best friend.
ReplyDeleteYeah, he sounds like a keeper to me :)
ReplyDelete@Crystal-- Sounds like you also have a "keeper"!! It is nice to know chivalry isn't dead! Hooray for amazing husbands!
ReplyDelete@Elise-- Absolutely, marry your best friend!
@mshatch-- For sure! : ) Thanks for stopping by!
Aww. Definitely a keeper.
ReplyDeleteMy fiancé just lets me have time alone so I can write. I think that counts.
That definitely counts!! : )