Monday, March 17, 2014

A New Project & Inspiring Stories Contest

Remember how I mentioned I haven't written anything since before Christmas (other than my blog, which I guess is a pretty big feat in and of itself)?

Well, over the weekend, I pulled out an OLD manuscript, my very first attempt at writing a novel. I never finished it, but knew someday I would return to it.

As I read through it, fixing my most common mistakes, I realized how far I've come since I first sat down to start that novel over five years ago. I also realized how far I still need to go to improve my craft. But, that comes with time and experience, right?

So, I'm super excited to start a "new" project. To get back into the writing mode. And the best part? I'm not starting from scratch. This manuscript has potential, but it needs to be molded into something better. I can't wait to see how it turns out!!

Now, onto an IMPORTANT reminder!!

Don't forget about Unicorn Bell's Inspiring Stories Contest! In case you haven't heard about it yet, I'll repost all the details. Hope to hear YOUR story soon! :)

Send your Inspiring Story to before March 24th.

Enter the contest for a chance to have YOUR story chosen to be the featured story on the Real Imprints website! Also, the winner of the contest will receive a $10 Amazon gift card!!

Things to know:

*Please submit real life stories, an experience that happened to you or someone you know.

*Stories should inspire, uplift, or encourage, and can be as simple as an act of kindness or as life-changing as an unexpected tragedy or triumph.

*All stories will be posted on the UB website with your name unless otherwise specified.

*Stories should be as concise as possible while still giving enough background information and detail. I'd rather not post a word limit, but I would think 1,000 words (give or take) would be sufficient.

*The Real Imprints team will comment and choose a story to be featured on their website with a link to your blog (if you have one). The writer of the chosen story will receive a $10 Amazon gift card.

*After the contest ALL stories will be submitted to Real Imprints with the possibility of being posted on their website in the future.

*Please spread the word via blogs, Facebook, Twitter, email, homemade megaphones...(Sorry, got a little carried away!) Anyhoo, you get my drift.

Any questions?

If not, then you better get writing! Can't wait to hear YOUR story!!

So, tell me, do you have a new project you're working on? Are you going to enter a story for the Inspiring Stories Contest? You know you want to...


  1. That's cool you're inspired to work on an old project. I pulled out a really old one once and decided to rewrite it from scratch. It went on to become my first published book.

  2. Cool! You've given me great incentive! I'm beginning to think it might be easier to rewrite this one from scratch. It needs A LOT of work. And my writing has changed so much in the past five years.

  3. I'm in exactly the same place- hadn't written anything yet this new year, was trying to decide what new project to start on and was surprised it ended up being my first one too, finished 5 years ago.

  4. This gives me great hope! It lets us all know that all our stories have potential!

    1. Yes! Exactly! Sometimes it takes us recognizing that potential for us to move past the "I'm not good enough".

  5. Yikes! I've always got at least 2 projects boiling. Right now I'm going through the second to last round of edits on my sequel and working on a serial series. Theoretically. I'm trying anyhow--in the snatches of time when my MS is off with critiquers and beta readers. So much to do!

    Way to recognize your growth. It's amazing the difference, eh?

  6. My laptop's been in Repair Land so I'm been playing with a shiny new idea while I'm waiting. But I really need to be revising the other 7 drafts I have!!!


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