Saturday, April 26, 2014

W is for Washers

This month I'm participating in the A to Z blogging challenge and posting every day in April (except Sundays) with the corresponding letter of the day. The theme I chose for this year is 26 Days of Gratitude. I'll be posting about people, places, things, and events in my life I'm grateful for. Today is the letter...
What can I say? I'm grateful for washers. Any type of washers, really. Dishwashers. Washing machines. My husband when he washes the dishes by hand...

Where would I be without my washers? With the amount of laundry I do, I'd be up a creek without a paddle. I hope my washer knows how grateful I am each time I throw in a load of laundry. I truly do think at times how lucky I am to be living in a time of modern conveniences. Without my washing machine, this would be me....

I look tired, hot, and very soapy. Yes, love my washer!

As for the dishes, gotta love my easy, convenient dishwasher that I pile my dishes into and Viola! They come out clean and sparkling (okay, maybe not sparkling, but you get my drift). Without my dishwasher, this would be me...


Once again, I look tired, hot, and soapy! 

And what's not to love about a man who doesn't mind getting his hands dirty in the sink...


What modern conveniences are you grateful for?


  1. Computers. The internet. Ravelry... I love all my modern conveniences. Where would we be without them.

    Liz A. from Laws of Gravity

  2. I'm certainly grateful for washers, and I love your illos.

  3. Cars and the Internet. And microwaves!

  4. Definitely the microwave. We just moved the first of this month and had to leave our microwave behind at the old apartment. I'm really tired of sandwiches, LOL!!

  5. That's an awesome one!!! I love my dishwasher and clothes washer. I was just complaining about the latter because it leaks sometimes and really needs to be replaced,but it is far better than the alternative. Even going to the laundromat is far worse than having a washer in your home!

  6. Indoor plumbing! Whenever my husband gets down about bills and whatnot I tell him, "At least we don't have to go down to the stream and haul up the water by hand!" He just rolls his eyes.

  7. I'm with Ava. I'd rather not have to use an outhouse!

  8. Still bloghopping from the A to Z...
    My washing machine broke a couple of weeks ago (luckily it was an easy fix), and holy hell was I freaking out. It's amazing how much we rely on our washers! One of those things you really don't appreciate until its gone.


I LOVE reading your comments!! Thanks for taking the time to leave one!