Although every zebra may look the same at first glance, no two zebras have the same stripes (something I learned from watching Madagascar with my kids). Each zebra is unique. Each zebra has its own identity.
Just like us. We are all unique. We are all special. At times we may try to compare ourselves to others. We may wonder why our hair is curly instead of straight, or why we can't sing as well as our friend, but the truth is, that doesn't matter. We've all been given talents and gifts with an expectation that we use them to reach our full potential.
This goes along with the fact that I LOVE zany personalities. I love to be around people who are fun and exciting, individual and unique. Who aren't afraid to be themselves, no matter what others think.
As I wrap up this last post for the A to Z Challenge, I am grateful for each of you. You are each unique, special, and have some of the coolest personalities ever! It's been so great to "meet" you and read your fantastic blogs! I look forward to seeing you around the blogosphere!
But for now, it's time to celebrate our survival of a month of continuous blogging! Can I get a Woo-Hoo?!
Ta-ta for now!! :)
Congrats on reaching the end of the A-to-Z challenge! Never knew that about zebras and their stripes before. I agree, being unique is something to be proud of!
ReplyDeleteWe are all unique and with unique strengths and talents.
ReplyDeleteYou did it! Congratulations on finishing the Challenge.
Yeh for zebras and for uniqueness! It was nice to "meet" you during this Challenge. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Z Day!
I love Marty on Madagascar! I used to watch that movie a hundred times a day when I was being a nanny for my nephews. :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on finishing the Challenge!!! WOO-HOO!!!
Kristin - we've survived. Like the zebras having different stripes, we all have different finger prints, and faces. It's good to be able to tell each other apart.
See you soon.
Madagascar is one of my favorite animated series of movies. Afro circus, afro circus!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on finishing. Wish I hadn't been too busy to participate this year.
Yes. It's over. Whew!
ReplyDeleteYou made it! I'm so impressed! You are my heroine. Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteSuperb Z post! Loved the comparison of Zebra with being unique, being you!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to have met a zany personality such as yourself Kristin through the A-Z challenge. I have missed a few of your posts and mean to catch up! Hope to stay connected! Lv
And I love you too!!! So glad you wouldn't judge my quirkiness. I try really hard not to compare myself to others (though I often fail!). It really is the quickest way to depression there is on the planet.
ReplyDeleteThat's the zebra from Madagascar, correct? Such a pretty zebra! I think as writers, we have a responsibility to be a little quirky. At the very least, it gives us an excuse for when people want to call us "weird." Instead they say, "She's a writer? Oh...she's not weird, she's artistic!"
ReplyDeleteBig congrats for completing the challenege! I didn't even make the attempt:)
ReplyDeleteWhoooHoooo! Congratulations on making it to the end of the challenge! And I love your advice -- be yourself! That's the best thing anyone can do.
ReplyDeletewhoooo hooooo, congrats on reaching the end, love the post.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on reaching the end! I didn't know that about zebras. I haven't seen Madagascar. I'm at the mercy of my granddaughter for movie selection, and we haven't reached that one yet. :-)
ReplyDeleteI agree that being unique is awesome. :-D Congrats on getting through the challenge.
ReplyDeleteUnique is always better. Congrats on finishing!
ReplyDeleteThat is so great. I love all personalities too!=) I got halfway trhough A to Z and life just got busy. Sigh. I am not giving up though. I have written a few more things and feeling back in the groove.
ReplyDeleteOh my. I didn't make it here for Z. I tried, but there might have been a body-slamming mutant and portal jumping and a slew of angry ninjas who wouldn't let me steal back my cloning machine. *grumpy face* But hey, I like Zebras too. =)